Sunday, January 26, 2020

Cross Cultural Issues in Performance Management

Cross Cultural Issues in Performance Management When planning to expand into the global marketplace, the expanding business should set forth a well-planned business process that considers the inherent cultural differences that considers the inherent cultural differences that may exist from country to country. Cultural differences can almost always be identified as one of the primary reasons for the gaps in global internet development. Cultural factors were considered the predictors of the level of acceptance of Internet in a society. Cultural factors also determine the section of a society most likely to use the Internet, the purpose of the use of the Internet, the site visited, purpose of use of the Internet, the site visited, purchase decisions, etc. Hence it is important to consider the cross cultural issues and differences when developing any type of global business strategy The problems that arise in joint ventures become even more salient in the new forms of multicultural organizations that have been called collaborations. When the group working together contains members from three or more cultures and may be operating in yet a fourth different culture, or may not be co-located at all, what kinds of cultural issues are likely to come ? Misunderstanding the rules and norms surrounding the issue of authority is probably the most common problem in newly formed multicultural groups. The high degree of formality that is associated with diplomacy can be understood as a defense against making mistakes in this cultural arena. But formality itself can lead to problems if there nonsufficient understanding In the work situation, if the leader is from a culture in which it is expected that subordinates will speak up if they have a relevant piece of information, but he or she is dealing with group members whose norms dictate that one does not speak up until the boss specially asks, and even then one suppress information that would embarrass the boss, one can foresee that this group will have difficulty being effective. Misunderstandings around authority then have a direct impact on the quality of communication that is possible Another example of going global is seen in personalized service firms such as law and accounting .These professions are focusing on cross-border activities like recruiting the local people who have their own culture, language, legal systems and accounting systems. The need for international expertise and capital is one reason for this trend. Companies of professionals are forming alliances with their foreign counterparts such as the Alliance of European Lawyers. In only 10% of 191 nations are the people ethnically or racially homogenous. Never before in history have so many inhabitants traveled beyond their homelands, either to travel or work abroad, or to flee as refugees. In host countries, the social fabric is being reconfigured and strained by massive waves of immigrants, whether legal or illegal. It is estimated that Chinese now constitute 3% of New York Citys population, with a quarter million of them concentrated in Manhattan Islands Chinatown, which overflows into older ethnic neighborhoods. This is the largest Chinese expatriate group outside Southeast Asia. The Industrial Age has given way to the Information Age, and we can only speculate on its replacement in the next one hundred years. Thus todays leaders are required to develop new models of management systems. They need to be more innovative and recognize the role of each and every employee in the organization in order to achieve the overall organizational goals. These dramatic changes in the workplace are producing some interesting challenges for everyone, from entry-level employees to top management. The management of the organizations should be ready to face these conflicts and challenges that may happen when the people from diverse cultures work together as a team to achieve organizational goals. But management can also enjoy the different opportunities like productivity, expansion, and new levels of growth due to the cross-cultural environment. Our research is about successfully handling these conflicts and takes advantage of these opportunities Globally, cross-cultural research has become increasingly essential. We can see people from diverse cultures in European countries. In this modern age , there is a need for cultural awareness and to understand people beliefs and practices. This, I argue, can be obtained by research, particularly the qualitative approach. I think cross-cultural research is very important that can help organizations to understand and create awareness about issues that may arise when people from different cultures work together as a unit 1.2 Research Questions What Is the Function of Culture? What Are Cultural Differences? Do Cultural Differences Really Have an Impact on Workplace? What are cross-cultural issues and how can we resolve them to improve organizational performance? What Are the Signs and effects of Cross-Cultural Management Issues in organizations and how can we resolve them? What Are the Signs and effects of Cross-Cultural Teamwork Issues in organizations and how can we resolve them? What Are the Signs and effects of Cross-Cultural Communication Issues in organizations and how can we resolve them? What Are the Signs and effects of Cross-Cultural Career Management Issues in organizations and how can we resolve them? 1.3 Research Objectives The purpose of our research is to understand the cross-cultural differences that exist in organizations and their impact on the performance of the organizations. We will also pinpoint how the rewards, leadership and communications get different perspectives in cross-cultural environment. We will also study the importance of training programs and their orientation in cross-cultural environment. The focus of our study will be on Cultural differences and similarities Behaviour in global perspective Cultural shock Managerial responses Decision making across cultures Motivation across cultures Reward across cultures Leadership across cultures Power and conflict across cultures Communications across cultures Environments across cultures Organization structure and technology across cultures Cross-culture training 1.4 Key Literature view Initial Knowledge Management (KM) strategies relied heavily on ICT-based solutions to store and retrieve explicit organizational knowledge. However, these ICT-based strategies often failed to deliver meaningful results (Ambrosio 2000). To date, much of the KM literature has focused on corporate and organizational culture, with relatively little attention paid to the implications of national culture. However KM, which is context embedded, is a particularly culturally dependent process (Glisby and Holden 2003; Nonaka and Toyama 2003). Effective KM practices developed by and for one culture may not necessarily be successfully used by other cultures (Pauleen and Murphy 2005). This is an important point as cross-cultural knowledge sharing has become more prevalent through the forces of globalization, advances in communications technology, and increasingly culturally diverse workforces (Cox 1991; Nemetz and Christensen 1996), as well as through international mergers and acquisitions, Internet based e-commerce, and an increasing trend to global outsourcing. Meanwhile, dominant Western cultural assumptions about knowledge and KM influence KM research and development. Given these factors, an understanding of the influence of national culture is now, arguably, a critical requirement in understanding and implementing successful KM in organizations. 1.5 Methodology We will focuses primarily on secondary cross-cultural comparisons (using other peoples data). Some measurement techniques lend themselves more readily to comparison than others. We will also use participant observations and un-structured interviewing that are usually a necessary first step in any field study. It goes without saying that any measure used across sites needs to be applicable to all the sites. Most comparative field studies deal with general domains of life that are found in all societies-for example, words and classification of colors, kin, animals, and plants, ideas about illness, raising children, and social behaviors. We will Compare Primary Data from Field Studies for Behavior Observations 1.6 Research ethical issues Distinct and conceivably unanticipated ethical issues emanate from the unpredictable nature of qualitative research. Ethical considerations relevant to quantitative research impact qualitative investigations in unique and more fragile ways. The ethical dilemmas Inherent in issues surrounding informed consent, anonymity and confidentiality, data generation, treatment, publications, and participant-researcher relationships are reviewed in light of the unique issues that emerge in the design and conduct of qualitative investigations. Ethical standards for qualitative investigations must evolve from sense that the research is dynamic and that the process, by its application may result in unanticipated ethical concerns. The researcher must remain open to the possibility of new, and, to date, unexamined ethical concerns related to qualitative research. Further, the evolving standards must be grounded in the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, and justice Researcher must observe certain basic principles when conducting any form of research that involves human subjects. First, participants must not be harmed, thereby supporting the principle of beneficence. In any qualitative investigations, if researchers sense that the interview is causing issues to surface that may result in emotional trauma to participants, they must protect the welfare of the participants that confidentiality and anonymity will be upheld and that participants will be treated with dignity and respect. The principles of beneficence and justice are upheld in this regard. The three ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence and justice provide the organizing framework for meaningful dialogue regarding ethical issues that pertain to qualitative investigations

Friday, January 17, 2020

Immigration Issues in the United States of America Essay

The United States of America (U.S.A) is a country that was founded on immigration. If a surplus of European immigrants would not have made the transatlantic voyage to America, the U.S.A. would more than likely be nonexistent. For centuries foreigners have been flocking to American soil, in search of a fresh start in a safe location. With so much turmoil and hostility going on in varied countries around the world, more foreigners are attempting to immigrate onto American soil. Now that the total population is rising significantly due to immigrants, a plethora of United States citizens are becoming outraged. If only American citizens would open their eyes to reality, they would discover that immigrants are actually benefiting the United States. Once they immigrate, a large percentage of foreigners do everything they can to be successful. Immigrants benefit the country by starting businesses, working jobs the typical American refuses to work, and bringing cultural diversity to the count ry. Some skeptics believe that foreigners are taking their jobs and raising the crime rate, but they those are wrong allegations. Immigration of foreigners into the U.S.A positively benefits the country in countless ways, instead of negatively affecting it. The economy of the United States of America has had its ups and downs over the course of its existence as a country. Innumerable amounts of people across the globe dream about someday moving to the United States and living out the â€Å"American Dream.† For the lucky foreigners that actually succeed in immigrating to the United States(U.S.)., many of them wish to start up their own businesses. â€Å"In 2008, immigrants represented about 17 percent of all new business owners in the U.S., according to The Washington Post. By 2011, immigrants were creating 28 percent of all new businesses, CNN reports†(Immigration Helps US City Economies and Labor Markets, S&P Says.†). When immigrants come into the U.S., they search for whatever jobs they can get, so that they may support themselves or their families. Many of the jobs available to these immigrants are low-wage jobs, and with such a low income, it becomes hard to support a whole family. That is why a decent percentage of immigrants are starting their own businesses. Once the immigrant decides to be an entrepreneur, their potential profitability sky rockets, because the success of their business could be exponential. Who would choose a minimum wage job over a high paying business venture? Sure there is a chance that the new business could fail, but that is a chance that these hard working individuals are willing to take. These immigrants came to the United States to have a better life, and they will stop at nothing to make sure all their efforts will not be thwarted. â€Å"And as of 2008, immigrant-owned businesses were generating about $67 billion of the country’s annual $577 billion in business income†( Immigration Helps US City Economies and Labor Markets, S&P Says.†). As far as statistics go, it looks as if these foreign entrepreneurs are succeeding. Other areas of the United States economy rely on immigrants. The agricultural economy of the U.S. relies on immigrants to harvest their crops. If not enough foreigners are allowed into the country, farmers will lose vast sums of money, because their crops will not be harvested in time. â€Å"With the harvest season in full bloom, stringent immigration laws have forced waves of undocumented immigrants to flee certain states for more-hospitable areas. In their wake, thousands of acres of crops have been left to rot in the fields, as farmers have struggled to compensate for labor shortages with domestic help†( Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws). Recently with increased border security, fewer immigrants are being let in to the United States, and it has been taking a toll on the agricultural community. Farmers are desperate to get as many migrant workers that they can every harvest season. Now that there significantly less immigrants being allowed into the country, farmers crops are dying before the y can harvest them. Immigration is essential to the success of American farmers, because the common American is not willing to do the difficult labor that the migrant workers perform for the farmers. Immigrants are coming into the U.S. and are actually helping American citizens receive more capital for the jobs they are performing. Some Americans believe that immigrants are a nuisance to the country, and that they do nothing but hurt it. They are very wrong to assume this, because immigrants are actually enabling Americans to profit more for the jobs they are performing. â€Å"This implies that total immigration to the United States from 1990 to 2007 was associated with a 6.6% to 9.9% increase in real income per worker. That equals an increase of about $5,100 in the yearly income of the average U.S. worker in constant 2005 dollars†( FRBSF Economic Letter: The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity). This statistic is astounding. Not enough U.S. citizens believe that immigrants are essential to the prosperity of the United States. Immigrants are not only opening up more job opportunities for the American public, but they are also helping them to earn a reasonable increase of income. Without these immigrants, the minimum wage would more than likely take longer to increase over time. The demand for consumer goods is always fluctuating. The American public loves to spend the money they earn. With recent problems in the economy, such as the recession, people are spending less money on consumer goods. Immigrants are essential to the purchasing of consumer goods, because they make up a large portion of the United States population now. â€Å"The Immigration Policy Center estimates that the purchasing power of Latinos and Asians, many of whom are immigrants, alone will reach $1.5 trillion and $775 billion, respectively, by 2015†( The White House Blog). With the amount of immigrants increasing as such a rate, they have now become some of the top buyers of consumer goods in the country. The money that they earn working hard at their differing jobs, they go out and spend on American goods. This in turn helps the economy in the country exponentially, because without them, the population in the U.S. would be significantly less; therefore there would be a substantial loss in the profitability of consumer goods. Also, the immigrants coming into the country help support local buying of goods. No longer can they buy the goods that they once did in their home countries, so they are now supporting the economy of the United States more than ever before. A common misconception of foreigners is that they are taking jobs from American citizens when they immigrate into the country. â€Å"Illegal aliens come to the United States to take jobs that offer them greater opportunity, and they are often welcomed by U.S. employers who are able to hire them for wages lower than they would have to pay to hire U.S. workers†(Passel). The individuals who believe this fallacy could not be more wrong. The truth is, immigrants are benefiting the U.S. economy more than ever. â€Å"Meanwhile, the research has found that immigrants – including the poor, uneducated ones coming from south of the border — have a big positive impact on the economy over the long run, bolstering the profitability of American firms, reducing the prices of some products and services by providing employers with a new labor source and creating more opportunities for investment and jobs†( Immigration and American Jobs). These immigrants came to the U.S. to escape the rough cultures in which they grew up. They only hoped to start a better life in the United States, and do better for themselves. Not only are they now making more money than they would have in their country of origin, but they are also helping to stimulate the nation’s economy considerably. The immigrant work force has benefited the citizens of the U.S. to a degree that has never happened before. While some Americans despise the fact that a plethora of new foreigners are â€Å"taking over† their county, countless others are extremely thankful for all that the immigrants have done for the U.S. Foreigners are skilled in a wide variety of talents. Technology is key in the prosperity of a countries economy. With a surplus of new foreigners in the Unites States, more and more inventions are being constructed by these individuals. â€Å"According to a survey by the National Foundation for American Policy, immigrants have started nearly half of the top 50 venture-funded companies. Software, semiconductors, and biotechnology are the most common venture-backed startup firms started by immigrants†( Nowrasteh). Many of the immigrants that come to the United States of America, are coming from China and the Middle east. These populations of people grew up on the principle of working very hard and staying focused. Now that these foreigners are able to use more advanced technology, they are able to use their talents to their full abilities. Where they once did not have access to the most advanced technology available to mankind, they are now coming to the U.S. and experiencing all that a technologically savvy country has to offer. Crime has become quite the hot topic when it comes to immigrants. American citizens believe that the surplus of immigrants into the country has caused the crime rate to noticeably increase, but this is just another myth. â€Å"In El Paso, Texas violent crime down 36 percent – it sits right across from Juarez, Mexico, one of the deadliest cities on earth. In Phoenix major crime has dropped 10 percent from 2000 to 2009†( Does Illegal Immigration Lead to More Crime?). Just because many immigrants do not have the money, at first, to move into wealthy American communities, people in the U.S. believe that they are criminals. How many people get nervous when they drive through a rough part of town? Well these â€Å"rough† parts of town are where most of these immigrants live when they first come to the country, because they previously spent most of the money they had on moving to America. Crime and immigration are two terms that do not go hand in hand. A very large perc entage of the immigrants coming to America are doing nothing but trying to prosper and live the life that they always wanted to have. Immigration is something that will benefit the Unites States of America in the long run, because it helps to create a very diverse nation. â€Å"The fact that people want to come to the US enhances its appeal. Likewise, because the presence of many cultures creates avenues of connection with other countries, it helps to broaden Americans’ attitudes and views of the world in an era of globalization†( Immigrants Will Strengthen US Power). Once these immigrants come to the United States, they usually have family back in their home country, or connections with businesses. Now that they live in the U.S. they are able to make long lasting connections between their current businesses and their previous businesses. Not only are these immigrants connecting ties back to their home countries, but they are making the United States a more culturally diverse nation. Since the founding of the United States of America, people have been trying to move onto its soil to have a better life , and now they finally can live it. The United States of America has been profiting from immigration since its founding day. Now that there are a wide variety of foreigners in the U.S., the possibilities for economic growth are endless. Immigrants are so essential to the prosperity of the country. Even though there are a plethora of misconceptions of foreigners, they are doing everything they can to prosper in this nation. They start businesses, raise the income for American citizens, and do countless other things to better the nation. Immigration is the future. Works Cited â€Å"Bitter Harvest: U.S. Farmers Blame Billion-Dollar Losses on Immigration Laws.† Business Money Bitter Harvest US Farmers Blame BillionDollar Losses on Immigration Laws Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Does Illegal Immigration Lead to More Crime?† CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 23 July 2010. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"FRBSF Economic Letter: The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity (2010-26, 8/30/2010).† FRBSF Economic Letter: The Effect of Immigrants on U.S. Employment and Productivity (2010-26, 8/30/2010). N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Immigrants Will Strengthen US Power.† South China Morning Post. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Immigration and American Jobs.† Economix Immigration and American Jobs Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Immigration Helps US City Economies and Labor Markets, S&P Says.† Fox News Latino. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. Nowrasteh, Alex. â€Å"Immigrants Help Fuel Te ch Growth.† The Huffington Post., 19 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. Passel, Jeffery S., and Cohn D’Vera. â€Å"Illegal Aliens Taking U.S Jobs (2011).† Fedoration For American Immigration Reform. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012. â€Å"The White House Blog.† Ten Ways Immigrants Help Build and Strengthen Our Economy. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2012.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 916 Words

The legalization of marijuana has achieved national attention within the last few years. Twenty-five states and the District Of Colombia have decriminalized marijuana but only 4 have legalized it strictly for recreational purposes. It has been an increasingly popular idea to legalize it across the U.S, but this new trend should not continue. Marijuana consists of very helpful benefits towards medical issues such as HIV, AIDS, and seizures. However, this drug should never emerge to legalization because it causes short-term affects on the users health and specifically the brain. It causes long-term affects including a negative correlation between smoking marijuana and ones income and learning capabilities. It causes dependency to people who smoke it especially before the age of 18. And, it does in fact show signs of a â€Å"gate way† drug for a significant amount of people. Citizens should not easily obtain this drug, especially younger kids. This drug should not meet legalizat ion for these reasons stated; however the medical benefits should continue to help with serious health issues. One short-term affect from smoking marijuana is memory loss. The drug does not eliminate memories permanently, but it can affect one’s ability to make new memories. It has shown in studies, when someone is given a list of words to remember, they remembered less if they had smoked a joint before the test. Whereas, when the individual doesn’t smoke before, they achieved better results. AnotherShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words   |  4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although s ome believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1715 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana in Society Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel â€Å"high† or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug (â€Å"Marijuana† 1). Like mostRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words   |  6 Pagescannabis plant or marijuana is intended for use of a psychoactive drug or medicine. It is used for recreational or medical uses. In some religions, marijuana is predominantly used for spiritual purposes. Cannabis is indigenous to central and south Asia. Cannabis has been scientifically proven that you can not die from smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized to help people with medical benefits, econo mic benefits, and criminal benefits. In eight states, marijuana was legalized for recreationalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1245 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana is a highly debatable topic that is rapidly gaining attention in society today.   Legalizing marijuana can benefit the economy of this nation through the creation of jobs, increased tax revenue, and a decrease in taxpayer money spent on law enforcement.   Ã‚  Many people would outlaw alcohol, cigarettes, fast food, gambling, and tanning beds because of the harmful effects they have on members of a society, but this is the United States of America; the land of the free and we should give peopleRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1010 Words   |  5 PagesThe legalization of marijuana became a heated political subject in the last few years. Twenty-one states in America have legalized medical marijuana. Colorado and Washington are the only states where marijuana can be purchased recreationally. Marijuana is the high THC level part of the cannabis plant, which gives users the â€Å"high† feeling. There is ample evidence that supports the argument that marijuana is beneficial. The government should legalize marijuana recreationally for three main reasonsRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1350 Words   |  6 Pagespolitics in the past decade would have to be the legalization of marijuana. The sale and production of marijuana have been legalized for medicinal uses in over twenty states and has been legalized for recreational uses in seven states. Despite the ongoing support for marijuana, it has yet to be fully legalized in the federal level due to cultural bias against â€Å"pot† smoking and the focus over its negative effects. However, legalizing marijuana has been proven to decrease the rate of incrimination in AmericaRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1231 Words   |  5 Pagesshows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drugRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1457 Words   |  6 PagesSHOULD MARIJUANA BE LEGALIZED? Marijuana is a drug that has sparked much controversy over the past decade as to whether or not it should be legalized. People once thought of marijuana as a bad, mind-altering drug which changes a person’s personality which can lead to crime and violence through selling and buying it. In the past, the majority of citizens believed that marijuana is a harmful drug that should be kept off the market and out of the hands of the public. However, a recent study conductedRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1596 Words   |  7 Pages But what needs to be known before a user can safely and completely make the decision if trying Marijuana is a good idea? Many do not want the drug to be legalized because they claim that Cannabis is a â€Å"gateway drug†, meaning it will cause people to try harder drugs once their body builds up a resistance to Marijuana, because a stronger drug will be needed to reach a high state. This argument is often falsely related to the medical si de of the debate over legalization. It is claimed that this wouldRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?985 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize Marijuana Despite what people believe about marijuana, it hasn’t once proved to be the cause of any real issue. It makes you wonder what the reason as to why there is a war on drugs. Why is marijuana the main concern? Since the time that alcohol and tobacco became legal, people wonder why marijuana isn’t legal yet. The fact that marijuana is illegal is mainly caused by the amount of money, jobs, and pride invested in the drug war. Once the government starts anything, they stick to it. At

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Criminal And Deviant Behaviour Within Society - 867 Words

Marxist claim that the bourgeoisie choose what they consider is criminal and deviant behaviour within society. They say the proletariat are the main culprits of the criminal behaviour, and they and those who are in a lower class are forced into committing crimes to survive as there is no other option for them. The main reason for the high crime rate is due to how the system works. White collar crimes seem to usually be ignored while lesser crimes such as burglary, vandalism and every day street crime tend to be highlighted more within the public eye and seen as much worse. This may well be because the ruling class have the funds to provide good lawyers and the power to cover their crimes up. Because the working class are policed heavier, as they are expected to break the law more, they are more likely to be caught for any offences. Marxists value the norms and values of society believing that if you do not conform and obey the rules you should be punished. This is why schools, religi on and the justice system (prison) are used to encourage people to conform to what society expects of them. They think there are 3 main elements to the explanation for the crime within society, criminogenic capitalism, the role of state and law making and selective enforcement. David Gordon argues that ideology of capitalism encourages the criminal behaviour in all of the social classes, so things like materialism, consumerism and profit etc, encourage a culture of self-interest and greed (crimeShow MoreRelatedDifferential Association Theory Essay1671 Words   |  7 Pagestheories will be given in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses in explaining youth crime. Theories within criminology try to explain why and how crime occurs. This is done through examining various facts that are related to the individual s criminal behaviour and the crime they commit. There are a wide range of theories which can be used to explain the causes of crime and deviant behaviour from youths. The first theory is the differential association theory by Edwin Sutherland (1947). He developedRead MoreThe Labelling Theory Movement Among Criminologist And Sociologists1594 Words   |  7 Pagescampaign to make certain deviant behaviour outlawed (Becker, 1963). He suggests that most laws are founded on that basis, and the behaviour that is classified as criminal is ever changing. Thus, the criminal behaviour is impertinent to the labelling theory. What actually matters is which outlaws are arrested and processed by the criminal justice system (Becker, 1963). Due to the belief that societal and personal factors do not kick in as motivations for criminal behaviour, there has been little studyRead MoreThe Causes Of Deviant Behavior, Psychological Approach And Sociological Approach1676 Words   |  7 PagesDeviance is a kind of behaviour which is contrary to the dominant norms and values of society. In reality, there are many different theories to explain the causes of deviant behav iour, including biological approach, psychological approach and sociological approach. This essay will be using two criminological perspectives which are the biological and sociological explanations to analyse the causes of crime in depth, and evaluate the two perspectives and the related criminological evidence. SociologyRead MoreLabelling Perspectives Within The 1960 s And 1970 S1626 Words   |  7 PagesLabelling perspectives emerged in the 1960’s and 1970’s, particularly in advanced capitalist countries, including the USA, where social reaction became a popular means to label ‘defiant’ and ‘deviant’ behaviour in society (White, Haines Asquith, 2012, p. 97; Martin, 2012, p. 134). Juveniles who have been labelled due to social reaction are likely to commit themselves to the new label, resulting in a change of identity in order to fit the label, which often generates negative consequences (WhiteRead MoreEssay on Children of Single Parent Families and Delinquency1206 Words   |  5 Pagesin any society or home but is mostly connected and associated with broken homes. Children with single parents are believed to be at high risk of being delinquent. The reason delienquency is very likely to occur is because the child is either motherless or fatherless , and this may currupt the personality of the child in many ways. This is argued may lead to a destructive delinquent future. Bad neighborhoods, where single parents reside often leads to delinquency as the social society that singleRead More Social Norms1709 Words   |  7 PagesDeviance is a title that insinuates the violation of social norms in society. This can be described as adjacent to criminal and improper behaviour imposed by the people who break the social norms of a society. Thus, becoming subjective to a label of deviant. Deviants often have punishment bestowed upon them by authoritive figures such as the enforcers of law. There are many universal types of deviance throughout societys over the world such as alcoholism, addiction, mental illness and homosexualityRead MoreIs Criminal Behaviour Inherited or Learned?1429 Words   |  6 Pagessociologist have long been in debate for centurys to explain criminal behaviour. The two main paradigms of thought are between natur e and nurture. Nature is in reference to a learnt behaviour where a multitude of characteristics, in society influence whether a person becomes deviant such as poverty, physical abuse or neglect. Nurture defines biological features which could inevitability lead to a individuals deviant or criminal behaviour, because criminality is believed by biological positivistRead MoreNew Deviancy and Labeling Theory1108 Words   |  5 Pagesbelieved in free will and creativity. According to this theory, crime is that behaviour which violates the interests of the powerful. The definition of crime or deviance depends upon two activities: one, an act of an individual or a group, and second, another individual or group with different values must label the initial activity as deviant. Human beings constantly generate their own system of values. Within a pluralistic society, certain groups termed as the powerful, the bureaucracy, the moralRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System1700 Words   |  7 PagesIn order for the Criminal Justice System to effectively deter crime, it is imperative to understand what causes crime, understand why crime exists and why offenders engage in criminal behaviour. In the 18th century criminologists such as Jeremy Bentham, Cesare Bonesana-Beccaria and Cesare Lombroso all established criminological theories, in an attempt to achieve this goal. The most influential theories are known as the Classical and Positivist perspectives. Both of these theories have had a long-termRead MoreWhat Is the Labelling Theory? Summarise and Evaluate Its Application to the Analysis of Crime and Criminal Justice.1646 Words   |  7 Pagesbuckets, are assumed to pick up their loads of meaning in one persons mind, carry them across the intervening space, and dump them into the mind of another (Osgood 1979:213) Within criminal justice Labelling Theory has been seen as a way of manipulating and encouraging both the would be offender to think and behaviours in a particular way so as to live up to the label and equally to manipulate and direct the thoughts and actions of those that work and manage the system e.g. a label encourages